A Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) is a unique 17-digit code that is assigned to each individual vehicle. It acts as the vehicle’s fingerprint, as no two vehicles will have the same VIN. The VIN can be used to identify important information about your car such as its manufacturer, year of production, model and even where it was manufactured.
Your vehicle identification number (VIN) can be found on the driver’s side dashboard, near where the windshield meets the hood of your car. It can also be found on the compliance plate in the engine bay, on one of the door posts (where the door latches when it is closed or in a variety of documents related to your vehicle, including its registration and insurance policy.
If you still cannot locate your VIN, contact your local dealership for assistance. They should be able to help you locate the exact location of your VIN.
You can use your radio serial number to generate the unique unlock code for your Hyundai radio. The serial number is printed on a label that should be located on your radio. You have to remove the radio from the dashboard to see it. You don't need specialized tools to do this. Instead, you can use a flat-head screwdriver or butter knife to carefully pry off the frame, then remove the radio with your hands.
Once you've located the label, find your serial number. Hyundai serial numbers come in a lot of different formats, but are usually 6 - 8 letters long. Your serial number may also have letters at the start or the end. If that's the case, remove the letter and send just the number. In this example, the serial number for our 2008 Hyundai Sonata is 1051187.
Pro tip: Take a photo of your entire radio label so you have the information for later. It will come in handy if you require additional support to generate your Hyundai radio code.
Head to the top of the page and enter your serial number. Click on “Get Radio Code” to generate a unique unlock code for your Hyundai radio.
Follow these steps to enter your code
1. Turn the car and radio on.
2. Your radio should display "SECURITY", and "N Entry Attempts Remaining" (where N is the number of attempts left).
3. Use the 1-4 preset buttons to input the 4-digit code.
4. To set the first digit on the screen, press button 1. Each time you do this will add one to the number displayed in that spot - up until 10 times when it resets back to 0. The count starts at 0, so to get 0, press once. To get 1 press the button twice.
E.g. if your code is 9405, you'll input it like so:
Press button 1 ten times to get 9
Preset button 2 five times to get 4
Preset button 3 once to get 0
Preset button 4 twice to get 1.
5. Press the preset button 5 to confirm your code.
6. Success! Your radio is unlocked.
Unlocking your Hyundai car radio is a simple process that requires the right code, generated from your serial number at Unlock Car Stereo. Once you have this code, you can enter it into the radio using the preset buttons 1-4 to input each digit and button 5 to confirm. With these steps in mind, you should be able to successfully unlock your Hyundai car radio with minimal effort. So if ever you find yourself locked out of your audio system due to an anti-theft measure triggered by power loss, don’t worry – just use our guide above and get back on track!
Fast service and easy process.
Frank Anderson
December 28, 2022
Fast and efficient service. Code worked great.
Jimmy Foster
December 31, 2022
Great service, was able to get my code to unlock the radio on my Honda Civic quickly.
Jason Miller
December 18, 2022
Unlockcarstereo.com provided fast and efficient service to unlock my Honda civics radio.
Jessica Parker
January 1, 2023
Las instrucciones eran confusas, pero el código funcionó.
Kurt Gonzales
December 19, 2022