A Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) is a unique 17-digit code that is assigned to each individual vehicle. It acts as the vehicle’s fingerprint, as no two vehicles will have the same VIN. The VIN can be used to identify important information about your car such as its manufacturer, year of production, model and even where it was manufactured.
Your vehicle identification number (VIN) can be found on the driver’s side dashboard, near where the windshield meets the hood of your car. It can also be found on the compliance plate in the engine bay, on one of the door posts (where the door latches when it is closed or in a variety of documents related to your vehicle, including its registration and insurance policy.
If you still cannot locate your VIN, contact your local dealership for assistance. They should be able to help you locate the exact location of your VIN.
1. Turn the car ignition to ON.
2. With the radio OFF, simultaneously press the 1 and 6 buttons. While holding down 1 and 6, turn the radio ON.0
3. The radio will display the serial number in a format like this: S/N 15583453.
4. Disregard the letters. Your serial number is just the 8-digit number e.g. 15583453.
5. For this model car, your serial number will likely start with a 1, 2 or a 4 e.g. 15583453, 25023459 or 40134523
1. Once you have your serial number, enter this at the top of the page, select your car model, and then click "Get Radio Code".
2. Enter your email address for us to send your unique unlock code.
3. Complete the payment process.
4. Your unlock code will sent to your email. If your serial number is correct, your code will be sent immediately. If you can't find the email in your inbox, please check your spam folder.
1. Turn the car ignition to ON.
2. Turn your car radio ON. It should read "Enter code".
3. Use the 1-6 buttons below the screen to input the 5 digit code you generated with unlockcarstereo.com.
4. Success! Your radio should be unlocked.
Excelente servicio, conseguí mi código para desbloquear el radio de mi Honda Civic en poco tiempo.
November 22, 2024
Very happy with the service, no issues.
Paul Green
November 28, 2024
Excelente servicio, conseguí mi código para desbloquear el radio de mi Honda Civic rápidamente.
Lily Perez
November 25, 2024
Estoy muy satisfecho con el servicio.
Lauren Nelson
November 20, 2024
Service was fast and efficient.
Justin Hall
November 24, 2024